Vision and values

St Matthew’s identifies itself as a community of people seeking to know and love God, and to grow in this love and knowledge through life’s experiences.

We value acceptance and hospitality and welcome all, seeking to be intergenerational in our approach.

We believe Christian faith is relevant to our daily lives. We seek to express it in creative ways and to encourage others on their journey with Christ. The church is involved in the community through a range of activities.

Parish Profile

More background on both St Matthew's and St Luke's can be found in the Parish Profile. That was prepared when the church was seeking a new vicar in 2019. As such, some of it will be out of date but it still gives some insight into the church life.

A Vision for the Church

Two of the four Visions Groups gave an update on some of the things which are happening during the service on Sunday 4th September 2022. You can listen to the encouraging reports here.

Background to the Vision process.

St Matthew's commenced a process to review its vision for 2021 and beyond. Click this link to hear an introduction from Jenni.

More information on how the teams have were set up can be found here - St Matthew's teams next steps.

Please click this link for a copy of the overall vision process - "A Vision for the Church - Pentecost 2021".