What's on this week

What's on this week at St Matthew's

Further details can be obtained from the church office. You can also sign up to receive our weekly email newsletter by subscribing here.

Sunday 28th July

10.30am:     Morning Worship: All age service including a wedding blessing for Naomi and Mark.

6.00pm:       Sustain


8.15pm:       Silence at St. Matt's - a meditation group meets at St Matthew's to share a short reflection and 30 minutes of silent meditation together.  Everyone is most welcome.


9.00am:       English conversation group for anyone who would like to practise English chat skills with activities in St Matthew's Parish Centre (term time only). everyone welcome. 

6.45pm:       Prayer Meeting:   In church or join a separate online meetingThe single most important thing to help the church thrive.


11.00am:     Holy Communion: at St Matthew's Parish Centre. All welcome.

12.00pm:     Community Lunch: in St Matthew's Parish Centre


10.30am:     Morning Worship: All age service followed by communion at 11.15am.

6.00pm:       Evening prayer

Fellowship groups

St Matthew's have a number of groups which meet regularly at different times during the week. Contact Jenni Williams for more information via the church office.

Young Adults events

There is a programme of events taking place each month for those in the 18-30 age range. More details are available here or from the church office

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